
Showing posts from May, 2013

Concept of programming Language by Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano. Mehdi Jazayeri,

Concept of Programming Language

Caesar Cipher Encription & Decription

Can easily hide your text using this type of encription method more : wiki /* Encripting Part*/ public class Caserchiper{         public void Encripter(String S, int j){             for(int i=0; i<S.length(); i++){         // get the paticular Character on the String         char C = S.charAt(i);         // Casting the value to integer         int value = (int)C;         // adding some intger         int encrpt = value + j;         // casting the encripted value to Character         char encChar = (char)encrpt;         System.out.print(encChar);     }     System.out.println();     } } /*Decr...

HTML5 - Introduction

HTML 4 along with us long time period in our web development. And it hasn't really seen major updates. making you write better quality code if you were at all concerned with compliance . H TML 5 does more than that. For one thing, it adds a few new features. Not a huge amount, but the ones that it does add are very useful. work on HTML 5 in 2004 but it getting start popular Now a days.