
Showing posts from May, 2015

Merging Two Sorted Arrays in Sorted Order

Today with heavy rainy. I fully wet. and come to the lab and start to code. What I did.  Sorting two arrays in independently and I merge them in sorted order. How am I do. see below...  Your reiew is our success. Think how we modify this in more.   

Insertion Sort

Insertion Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that build final sorted element in the array. The insertion sort give more efficient way and give more advantage than other sort like quick sort, merge sort and heap sort.  It's specialties are : Simple More efficient ( Time Complexity O(n 2 ) ) Only required constant amount of memory requirement. ( O(1) ) Algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Insertion_Sort(array){      for i=1 to n-1{           element = array[i];           j=i;           while(j>0 and array[j-1] > element ){                  array[j] = array[j-1];               ...

Data Structures : Stack

Stack is the data structure that can be logically through as Linear Data Structure. The basic implementation is called as LIFO ( Last In First Out ) way.  

Session 01 : Data Mining and Machine Learning - Introduction

Introduction The Data is the most important thing in any field, whether is profitable or non- profitable field. The amount of data in the world, in our lives seems to go on and on increasing. The fact of the statistic says the amount of the data stored in the common world database is increasing doubles every 20 months. It is hard to justify the data in the sense of quantities.

Session 01 : Setting Up Android SDK with Eclipse

Are you wish to learn android? Keep on touch. We are guide you to learn from the very basic level very short of reading.  First you need some knowladge about programming language of Java. Hope you were configure java and make your PC as JVM(Java Virtual Machine) To Setting up the Android environment with eclipse. You need to download eclipse for your specific machine. Now Shall we going to start to setup..... Guys, follow the steps. Start Eclipse, then select Help --> Install New Software Click Add, in the top-right Corner In the Add Repository dialog enter "ADT Plugin" for Name & the following URL for Location Click OK In the available software dialog check the Developer Tools and click, Next. Read the licence and accept it. That it. Finish.   Now. You can Start your development.   Let's dig to start in few days.