Firefox OS App Development Session 01

Firefox OS is a Fastest HTML5 Mobile Application environment. It challenges to the famous OSs Android and iOS

We can create applications for firefox just use of HTML5,CSS and Javascript knowladge. we don't need to know more.

Just watch this video for your introductions.

Today the devices support for firefox OS increases and users count also increasing.

Firefox OS is an valuable gift from god for web developers.Just knowing the web designing language like HTML5,CSS,Java script you will be a firefox OS Developer. and also you can proud to say I'm a Mobile Developer too. introduce Market Place for selling or distributing your applications.

There is a handy simulator available as a add-on in firefox browser. you can add it to your browser and test your applications without using firefox OS phone. It is a developing technology in initial state so the firefox OS phones are still not available in some countries.

01. Before you try to install simulator on you browser you should update the version of firefox. Because firefox OS is not available for older versions of Mozilla.

02.After your update of browser install the firefox OS simulator add-on using following link.

03.There is a  green colour button avaliable in the page. Click the button to install firefox on your browser.

04. Go to the menu ( press alt if menu not visible ) Tools --> Web Developer -->Firefox OS Simulator follow these steps to start the simulator.

Now if you have a firefox OS embedded simulator on your hand. Just go a tour to do a visit to every thing in firefox OS. 


Hope you run the sexy simulator successful Meet you on session II in Firfox OS App Development.


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